Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Noise in Multimedia System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Commotion in Multimedia System - Essay Example Commotion is characterized as any undesirable thing in the ideal one. Despite the fact that in some uncommon cases in hardware like oscillator where commotion is purposefully presented yet, the greater part of the occasions they make prevention to the real saying. Assume after loyal encoding information is sent over transmission medium. Fake electrical signs from condition may meddle to the first sign coming about clamor. In different cases clamor shows up as glimmer of screen. For compact gadgets engineers need to structure design for the objective gadget and creating pixels of exact width and goals now and again give wrong outcome. Once more, online substance engineers who work freely for target gadgets at long last come out with objects which have issue in mapping. This paper unequivocally focuses on different commotion sources and their impact on sight and sound items. It likewise plots approaches to beat it. Clamor in one sense is characterized as quantifiable measure of loss of information. It is an irregular boundary that can be estimated by its measurable properties. In media transmission channel commotion is by and large gets included medium during transmission. Figure 1 shows such a transmission channel. In the middle of transmitter to recipient there is the medium. It tends to be either wire if there should be an occurrence of line correspondence or free space for remote correspondence. Signal gets meddled by commotion in the medium by different methods for example roaring, signal from different sources if two signs are near one another and from crisscross among transmitter and collector. Shannon characterized the restriction of transmission in an uproarious channel for a provided divert limit so as to expand the sign to-clamor (SNR) ratio1. In any case, it doesn't ensure clamor free transmission. This is only the post transmission commotion and before it gets got. Various techniques exist to identify any blunder has emerged and provided that this is true, to address it. The seven layer OSI model functions admirably for blunder identification and rectification in any PC correspondence process. From sight and sound point of view transmission and gathering techniques are to some degree increasingly complex where; absolute showcase is divided into various parts and afterward all together data is sent to the objective end keeping up timing requirement. SMIL is a language position utilized for encoding mixed media introductions for transmission over the web. It's an organized piece of self-governing media objects. Figure 2 gives one essential planning containers2. In SMIL seq compartment start time is comparative with antecedent's end. Standard compartment has start time comparative with the containing standard however for excl object an is begun at whatever point object x (not appeared) is actuated and object b, c are begun when object y and z (not appeared) are enacted. It is to be noticed that no two normal course of events ought to be utilized to demonstrate the connection between a, b and c. On the off chance that it's not kept up, at that point there will be cover between the items that will go to give timing jumble, which may show up as clamor in show. Other than this, before transmission objects are encoded into advantageous structure. During encoding information may get lost. For instance on the off chance that it's a picture, at that point it may have been encoded into jpg structure where loss of information and thus clamor can get presented. This clamor will be joined all through its preparing and show up at last in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Water Wars In Central Asia Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(32) of surface water system systems. ââ¬Å" Water vows to be to the twenty-first century what oil was to the twentieth century: the esteemed exchange great that decides the abundance of states â⬠. The twentieth century represented states with the piece of industry â⬠harsh oil. Indeed, even today it is the point of convergence of worldwide battle, requesting a states capacity to outline both planetary political relations and the planetary financial framework. We will compose a custom paper test on The Water Wars In Central Asia Environmental Sciences Essay or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The 21st century vows to direct states with the piece of life â⬠clean H2O. Driven by whimsical conditions structures, escalated water system, and populace power per unit zones, H2O is progressively going a rare exchange great and is forming into a quickening agent of worldwide shakiness and battle. An outline of H2O ââ¬Ës capacity to affect a nation in the 21st century can be found in the Central Asian States, and the lack of hydration of the Aral Sea. The amplification of watered horticultural land region and hydroelectric force, resolved to be the underlying drivers of the Aral Sea disaster, have proceeded because of miss of community oriented activity by the newly free areas of the part. The Amu Darya and the Syr Darya gracefully new water to the upstream territories of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Southeastern Kazakhstan, and the downstream states Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Southwestern Kazakhstan. These states are going continuously competitory over H2O in the part, go forthing the drying out of normal arrangements like the Aral Sea as an adequate expense. The opposition over H2O originates from the H2O concentrated cotton collect, which overwhelms the agribusiness in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Southwestern Kazakhstan. Cotton gives a significant remote cash worker for the part and is a significant provider of business, however requests huge entireties of H2O from the part, which the Amu Darya and Syr Darya streams battle to gracefully. The aimless utilization of H2O to fuel cotton creation has been in design since the mid 1960 ââ¬Ës and is doing horrendous natural employments, for example, the drying of the Aral Sea, clime change, H2O and soil salt, and H2O, earth and air contamination. Expanding neediness, rapidly turning populaces, and the example of ââ¬Å" monetary nationalism â⬠on the other hand of provincial collaboration by the imperious administrations of part, are the elements for future strained quality, cultural precariousness, and conceivable battle in Central Asia. These advancements will be deciphered in a political monetary framework model, going from the Soviet ââ¬Ës constrained cotton creation, which is dissected in the second development of this paper. Water is a continuously rare asset in the part that is under power per unit zone coming from monetary associations, for example, hydroelectric coevals and agrarian creation. The ecological inclusions of biodiversity, bettering backings of the part ââ¬Ës populace and the resurgence of the Aral Sea are underrepresented and consequently unheard. The ecological degradation of the Aral Sea is analyzed in more noteworthy thing in the third region of this paper. The parchedness of the Aral Sea has far creation impacts in the part, affecting the clime and biodiversity. Desert air flows can move 1000000s of dozenss of debased sand and salt from the nation that was one time the Aral Sea, and hotel them on rural land everywhere throughout the part. The impacts of these contaminated sand and salt sedimentations are more distant intensified by the hapless waste frameworks and the astounding H2O logging, that have made soil salt go an expanding ecological employment. Rising salt degrees have cause the biology of the part to corrupt to where numerous nations are going unwelcoming, because of the uncouth descending winding powered by need and ecological degradation. The closing development pundits the institutional model behind the H2O bearing of the part. Foregrounding the uprooting from a midway shown distribution of H2O to the Ministries of Land Reclamation and Water Resources ( Minvodkhoz ) situated in Moscow to all the more locally found signifiers of H2O course, following the surrender of the Soviet Union. Since so it has become basic that upstream states like Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Southeastern Kazakhstan together distribute H2O assets with downstream states like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Southwestern Kazakhstan. New foundations have been made to direct this methodology as every twelvemonth, at the presidential degree ; understandings are haggled to specify the aggregate of H2O designated to each state. There has been little adjustment at the miniaturized scale level with the exception of in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, where Water Users ââ¬Ë Associations ( WUA ) have been built up. In both Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, both sign ificant purchasers of H2O, the cardinal allocation and heading of H2O is as yet polished without nearby changes. The ââ¬Å" utilization it or lose it â⬠rule, the aftereffect of the Soviet ââ¬Ës midway arranged H2O portion designs, are still in design because of the lack of faces preventing the maltreatment or incitements propelling the safeguarding of H2O. The proceeded with ingestion of H2O at flow degrees, combined with the low productivity proportions before long rehearsed, will take to expanded degrees of soil salt and the more distant irreversible degradation of the Aral Sea bowl. In an isolated Central Asia stricken with a breaking down condition, the scarceness of H2O has lead to expanded tensenesss and may, given clasp, lead to genuine battle. Numerous in the part accept that dish to H2O is ââ¬Å" God-Given, â⬠which adds to the neighborhood specialists ââ¬Ës lack of solid activity against the present scarceness going up against the part, that is itself semisynthetic. Only decreased and progressively proficient ingestion of H2O in Aral Sea bowl managed by productive smaller scale and large scale associations, combined with interregional collaboration, would have the option to come on the part to a feasible from now on. The Soviet ââ¬Ës Management of Water The previous Soviet Central Asia comprises of mainly steppes and comeuppances. This condition had generally constrained the advancement of states and the connect toing agribusiness to desert springs, took care of by waterways or subterranean supplies known as springs. Soviet guideline changed this, with constrained collectivisation. A significant part of the conventional strategies for manageable editing structures were persuasively adjusted to huge scope singular collect techniques that necessary a H2O bearing foundation made out of surface water system frameworks. You read The Water Wars In Central Asia Environmental Sciences Essay in class Article models Districts like the Fergana Valley that were inundated and had some expertise in cotton as a hard cash reap, had an impressive similar favorable position over nations non bring forthing ââ¬Å" white gold â⬠. In the mid 1960 ââ¬Ës Moscow considered this near favorable position and started to make a semi monoculture, transforming Cardinal Asia into a characteristic stuffs maker for the texture businesses of the more cardinal Soviet Union. Cotton quickly turned into the life-bread of the external agronomically based Soviet popular governments, an irreplaceable exchange great their political monetary frameworks. This designed development is delineated by the area of Uzbekistan, which became one the biggest cotton bring forthing states known to man. The achievement or disappointment of cotton started to arrange the predetermination of political elites in the Soviet Socialistic Republics ( SSRs ) , which lead to broadened corruptness, for example, the over and underreporting of co tton creation and the constrained association of work to improve cotton creation. These degenerate examples in the blink of an eye became basiss of Uzbek, Tajik, and Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republics ââ¬Ë financial frameworks and the agrarian business of the part. As the creation of cotton in the Central Asiatic part expanded rapidly, the interest for H2O got hopeless, because of the clime ââ¬Ës horticultural inhospitality and interest for water system. Water, at the clasp, appeared to be abundantly provided by the Amu Darya and Syr Darya and lead to the structure of incredible channels like the KaraKum trench, extending in excess of 1,100 kilometer from the Amu Darya to Turkmenistan. The cragged nations of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan are the get bringing down point for the two streams, which are for the most part devoured by the horticulturally requesting nations of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This division among upstream and downstream states and the subsequent differential course is one of the main sources of strained quality refering H2O use in the part. The moneymaking augmentation of cotton land zone, best outlined by Uzbekistan, made a rapidly expanding interest for horticultural water system, and started going amiss mass proportions of H2O to give it. In Uzbekistan cotton ââ¬Ës expansion was remarkable, spread excursion from a final result of 441,600 hectares in 1913, to 1,022,600 burns from the sun in 1940, to 1,427,900 burns from the sun in 1960, to each piece much as 2,103,000 burns from the sun in 1987. In Uzbekistan cotton got known as ââ¬Å" King Cotton â⬠, furnishing a previously exposed state with a remarkable hard money gather and gave work to the main part of its residents. The Uzbek ââ¬Ës prospering cotton industry had one deadly imperfection: it depended completely on the handiness of H2O, in a section missing copious H2O. The effectiveness of H2O utilize was least because of a hapless foundation trusting on unlined and uncovered waterways, where break is exceptionally high, with the heft of H2O either va nishing or overflowing into the land. These wasteful H2O heading designs lead to a reducing aggregate of H2O truly making the Aral Sea, and by the 1960 ââ¬Ës the entirety of H2O making the Aral Sea
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
McCormick Girls Wanted
McCormick Girls Wanted The following entry was written by the very cool and talented Minh 10: Hi. Iâm Minh. You can call me Minnie, or Minhsie, or any version of the name. Some of you may have read about me in Melisâ previous entries, but the short version of the story is that Iâm currently a freshman at MIT who just declared Course 15: Management. Iâm considering also doing something with Courses 18 Mathematics or 7 Biology. Melis and I go way back, to high school, actually, and then to last April, when I was her prefrosh! Iâm also Melisâ little sister in our sorority, Alpha Chi Omega. Anyway, the point of this entry was to introduce you to yet another of the wonderful living groups at MIT. I live in McCormick Hall, MITâs only all-female dormitory. MIT women choose to live here for a variety of reasons, whether itâs because they like the idea of living without any boys (theyâre welcome to come visit us but canât actually live here!), because of McCormickâs central location on campus, or many other reasons. MIT Admissions has a really great picture of McCormick: (from Admissionâs Residential Life / Housing Options) McCormick hall is split into two towers: East and West, and also has an Annex. East Tower, where I live, is comprised of only single occupancy rooms, West is a mix of singles, doubles, and triples, and the Annex is a fairly recent addition to McCormick. This is my room just after I moved in. It doesnât really look like this anymore because Iâve kind of rearranged a lot of the furniture and acquired a lot more stuff =). I have a gorgeous river view of the Boston skyline, and thus love my room. When thereâs nice weather out, I get to see the MIT Sailing and Crew Teams. McCormick also has some really great facilities. Hereâs Becca â08 and Petra â07 standing outside McCormick on a lovely spring afternoon, waiting to go on one of our social events: a sunset cruise along the Charles River! These two are the current and former McCormick presidents. Theyâre cool. Post Tagged #McCormick Hall
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Joy of Christmas - 527 Words
The joy of Christmas is a wonderful thing. It makes you go insane with happiness. You see, things happen during the holidays. And when you look back and remember the things you did, you become giddy and embarrassed. One such thing happened to me, when I was twenty-three. I was roaming the streets, looking for shops that might hold gifts that my family would like. As I walked, I had my head buried in the shop windows, so I wasnââ¬â¢t looking where I was going. I walked right into someone, causing them to spill the contents in their arms. I turned, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m so sorry,â⬠I apologized, ââ¬Å"Here let me help you.â⬠I scampered around the sidewalk, collecting the manââ¬â¢s things. As I handed him his things, our eyes met and we shared a moment of specialness. I quickly looked away and glanced towards the sky. To my surprise, mistletoe hung on a thin line dangling in the air. I blushed as the man spotted what I was looking at. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m Thomas ,â⬠he stuck out his hand to shake, ââ¬Å"I feel we must have a proper introduction before we, you know, go about the tradition.â⬠I shook his hand and introduced myself, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m Victoria.â⬠We stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments, waiting for the other person to make the first move. Finally, I turned, ââ¬Å"Farewell, Thomas. Iââ¬â¢ll see you around,â⬠I called over my shoulder as I walked away. Our fates must have been intertwined, or he was following me, because it wasnââ¬â¢t but three days later, on the same street, that we ran into each otherShow MoreRelatedThe Day Of The Joy Of Christmas Essay1101 Words à |à 5 PagesHey there! Merry Christmas! I hope that you are all able to spend time with your loved ones during these upcoming days. Part of the joy of Christmas is spending time with those we love. While we celebrate with our friends and family, itââ¬â¢s the perfect time to remember all of the things God has blessed us with. Family. Loved ones. Clean Water. Food. Shelter. Safetly. Internet (WiFi, amirite? Ã¢Ë º ). As well as many other things. Most importantly, we should remember the incredible LOVE God has for usRead MoreThe Joy And Revelation Of A Christmas Carol1563 Words à |à 7 PagesImagine a staged production of A Christmas Carol set in 1843. See the stage set in the exact time it was written by Charles Dickens. The foggy, crowded streets abuzz with carolers and shoppers, the children staring wide eyed into the shops and bakeries. Hear the bells ringing as a round of ââ¬Å"Hark the Herald Angels Singâ⬠fills the gaslit streets with joy. As a child, going to see A Christmas Carol was one of my fondest Christmas memories. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The First Five Presidents Of The United States - 1233 Words
The first five presidents for the United States impacted the United States greatly and their names were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The president I think that impacted the U.S the most was George Washington who was in office for eight years (1789-1797). George Washington who was the commander in chief and led the army in the Revolutionary War and gained freedom from Great Britain at that time there was thirteen colonies in the United States. In 1783 George Washington signed a peace treaty with Great Britain. John Adams which was the second president to be elected who was vice president at first for eight years (1789-1796) soon became president for four years (1797-1801). John Adams strengthened the central government by making the army stronger and he signed a law which is called the ââ¬Å"Act for the Sickâ⬠which let government marine hospital service. Thomas Jefferson which was the third president was one of the more impor tant presidents for the United States, he was one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and he also organized the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the country known as the United States. James Madison Jr. known as the fourth president promoted the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. James Monroe which was the fifth president for the United States who was in office for eight years (1817-1825) and was the last president that was in the Virginia Dynasty and the Republican Generation.Show MoreRelatedThe First Five Presidents Of The United States Essay1596 Words à |à 7 PagesThe first five presidents of the United States impacted the United States greatly and their names were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe. The president I think that impacted the U.S the most was George Washington who was in office for eight years (1789-1797). George Washington who was the commander in chief and led the army in the Revolution ary War and gained freedom from Great Britain at that time there was thirteen colonies in the United States. InRead MoreWhat Is The Left Side Of The United States?1025 Words à |à 5 Pages First, The left side is The United States of America. That is why it has a United States flag. The Right side of the mural is Russiaââ¬â¢s side. That is why it has the Russian flag. I am going to start on the United States side. The person in the box on the left side is the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump. The big 323 is for three hundred- three million people in the United States. The big M of course represent million. All of the people represent immigrants. 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Our meaning of the ConstitutionRead MoreFederal Government And The United States1498 Words à |à 6 Pages Federal Government The United States of America government is called the federal government and is the republic of the fifty states which constitute the United States. It also constitutes the capital districts and several other territories. Now the government is made up of three different branches and they are the Executive, Legislature, and the Judicial. Those powers are all vested by the US constitution which is in the congress, the president, and also the federal court that also includesRead MoreThe Attack At Pearl Harbor1596 Words à |à 7 PagesProfessor Benjamin Carr July 25, 2016 The Attack at Pearl Harbor Seventy-five years ago, in the early morning of December 7, 1941, ââ¬Å"the Japanese launched hundreds of attack planes off warships, 230 miles off the coast of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.â⬠2 The United States had no indication that an attack was about to occur. These planes were ââ¬Å"heading straight to Oahu, the home of Pearl Harbor and the Unites States Pacific Fleet.â⬠2 It was one of the most massive attacks in world history. TheRead MoreThe War Between The North And The South993 Words à |à 4 PagesFive years American had their own bloodshed between the North and the South. There is many reason into why the United States had a war between the North and the South. The United States was divided depending on location and personal sentiments. People in the United States sometimes think that this war was only fought over slavery, but there was many reason in why the Union and the Confederate States of America fought. The war was fought on many reason such as th e idea of slavery, statesââ¬â¢ rightsRead MoreThe State Of The United States979 Words à |à 4 Pages the type of federal government of the United States, four important philosophers, and abundance of the U.S Constitution. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children a Good Target Market or an Abuse of Innocence Free Essays
Children: A Good Target Market or An Abuse of Innocence? Advertising is a way many businesses attract consumers. Consumers are, after all, their source of income. Billions of dollars are spent every year by corporations to huge advertising companies to think of the next big commodity. We will write a custom essay sample on Children: a Good Target Market or an Abuse of Innocence? or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the most attractive target market today is children, which inevitably sparks controversy throughout the country. When discussing advertising to children, one should highly consider how the effects the products being advertised pose to children, the status of our countries laws, and the current uses of child advertising and the effect they may have on their audience because we need to think of the children first in order to protect our countryââ¬â¢s youth. Many businesses have made the arguable decision in marketing towards children. If the venture is done the right way, it can be a successful form of getting attention to a business. In the article ââ¬Å"Brand loyalty starts from a very early age,â⬠Lou Cooper reveals, ââ¬Å"Influencing children at a young age could see them retain their custom in the futureâ⬠(24). However, if done incorrectly or unethically, youth advertising can be very dangerous and influential to a child in the wrong way. More and more manufacturersà and television advertisersà think that children constitute an important group for their targetà market. They see other businesses succeeding when they use the tactic and they believe they need to use it too so as to remain competitive in the industry. However,à television advertisingà aimed at children is extremely harmful to child development. Over the last few decades,à television advertisingà has changed peopleââ¬â¢s life styles and buying habits, especially children. Children have larger spending power. With the additional reassurance from statistics and research, more and more manufacturers andà advertisersà think that a young age group is an important group for their targetà market. However,à television advertisingà aimed at children is extremely harmful to child development because of the many harmful and unhealthy things the television is portraying as acceptable and even going so far as to making a harmful product sound attractive and necessary to a young consumer. Television aids the alcohol industry, as well as the fast food industry in spreading the word of their harmful products. The fast food industry is especially taking advantage of their marketing ability, and consumers are paying the price for it, with their health. According to the film Super Size Me, over the past few years, there has been a doubling of childhood and adult diabetes. Also, in the film Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock provides the information that more children are having liver abnormalities and are already showing signs of cirrhosis, a clinical scaring of the liver. As stunningly accurate as in Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser mentions, ââ¬Å"But the value meals, two-for-one deals, and free refills of soda give a distorted sense of how much fast food actually costs. The real price never appears on the menuâ⬠(9). Thus, the harmful products shown on TV should be highly monitored and perhaps even forced laws upon certain ads to protect the public. The founding laws of our nation have worked for us for centuries. They protect us when is necessary and allow us freedoms when appropriate. Legislators have been able to protect us very well with the constant updating of our laws. Through amendments and many new laws, law makers have been able to stay current with issues at hand. However, because our countryââ¬â¢s laws havenââ¬â¢t taken another modern twist, many children are feeling the consequences. As seen in The United States Bill of Rights, the first amendment to the Constitution is ââ¬Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the pressâ⬠(US Const. , amd. 1) When creating the law, however, legislators in the revolutionary time period surely didnââ¬â¢t suspect that the safety of children would be at stake when they wrote such a broad and vague concept. The legislation for advertising to children is minimal, and most advertising companies have free reign to do whatever they want. When a commercial is geared toward children, they find it appealing and some almost comforting. Fast Food Nationââ¬â¢s Eric Schlosser expressed that children are exposed to ââ¬Å"30,000 commercials a year. â⬠Congress has passed laws in the past about setting regulations for the advertising of cigarettes and alternative means of marketing because of their extremely harmful and negative side effects they threaten consumers with. Certain means of advertising in movie theaters was reviewed and banned; Truthful advertisements are being forced on to cigarette companies. Advertisements in movie theaters would show pictures of a random place and quickly show a flash of a product so people in the audience would need to have it. For example, they would show a large desert and then quickly show a Coke, and a person sitting in the audience would stand up and need to buy the Coke, almost as if they were brainwashed. Cigarette companies are now forced to put pictures of diseased organs on the box of cigarettes so as to warn the public of their unhealthy and dangerous aftermath and hopefully thwart as many Americans smoking as possible, a much different form of advertising than an advertisement for Paul Mall cigarettes depicting cigarettes to ââ¬Å"Guard against throat-scratch. â⬠When children are exposed to such stimulation of such appealing products, According to Lou Cooper, they have the influence over their parents to utilize close to ââ¬Å"1. 88 trillion dollarsâ⬠, which of course makes children a hefty target, but at what cost? Cooper 24). Advertisers use many forms of marketing to charm children. Phrases and slogans are one example. Many typesà of food have a phrase associated with them. Commercials use phrases and slogans to embed their product into an audienceââ¬â¢s memory. By the time the commercial ends the line and product are stuck in a personââ¬â¢s mind. By targe ting children, whole families are then targeted. Competition sparks the creation of phrases and slogans so as to imprint that brand into the minds of consumers. If one company can create a phrase that everyone will know and remember, they are one step ahead of their competition. Characters are also a way used to target children. Making characters has been the way in which many companies capture the attention of children everywhere. When a child sees commercials on television, the characters are instantly installed in their brain. Prominent figures also bring forth an ethical appeal for children; for example, in Lucky Strike advertisement, Santa Claus is shown with his bag of toys in one hand and a cigarette in the other. When the child witnesses such extreme behavior from the ones they hold dear, they want to be just like the people they admire. Therefore, children are more likely to buy a product used by their favorite celebrity or character. Toys are another way in which companies target children. Companies give toys to children sometimes relating to their product to endorse their item and entice the recipient to the merchandise. The hope some companies have is that the child will associate their brand with a reward such as a toy and want it more because of the attraction. For example, cereal companies are famous for toy advertisements. If they put toys in the boxes of cereal, children are more likely to want the box with a toy in it. Pleasing children is a main concern for all big companies. In closing, advertising to children isnââ¬â¢t the best idea when you want to keep the youth of our country safe, healthy, and uncorrupt so as to brighten our future as a nation. The products of some endorsements are mainly those that need to be feared. However, when a child is just as innocent as watching their favorite television show, parents and the children themselves shouldnââ¬â¢t need to worry about what kind of commercials pop-up that try to entice them with that happy meal and those toys. Children deserve every right to enjoy their time of being care-free and trusting. Childhood is a time for joyful bliss and innocence, not corruption. Works Cited Cooper, Lou. ââ¬Å"Brand Loyalty Starts from a Very Early Age. â⬠EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. Marketing Week, 10 June 2010. Web. 02 Nov. 2010 ;http:web. ebscohost. com/src/pdf? vid=3;hid=104;sid=725b5696-c4ed-46ed-b519-2fl6cbd64173@sessionmgr112;. ââ¬Å"The United States Bill of Rights. â⬠National Archives and Records Administration. U. S. National Archives ; Records Administration. Web. 02. Nov. 2011. ;http://www. archives. gov/exhibits/characters/print_friendly. html? page=bill_of_rights_transcript_content. html;. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 2005. Print. Supersize Me: a Film of Epic Proportions . Hart Sharp Video, 2004. ââ¬Å"Santa Smokes Lucky Strikes! â⬠Quit Smoking Painlessly Now! Web. 02 Nov. 2010. ;http://www. quitsmokingpainlesslynow. com/cigarette-advertising/santa-smoking-lucky-strikes/;. How to cite Children: a Good Target Market or an Abuse of Innocence?, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Histology for Laboratory Manual and Review- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHistology for Laboratory Manual and Review. Answer: The specimens are delicate items and there are handled with care with minimal errors because any of the above could lead in misleading and fatal results. The specimen has to go through the preparation section and given the fact that tissues are very delicate; cutting them into thin sections could be impossible task. The specimen usually needs preservation or to be fixed before sections are prepared. This can be done through two different ways, whereby the tissues can be rapidly frozen while the sections sliced using a cryostat microtome in the freezing chamber. Alternatively, the specimen can be dipped into a liquid agent with properties of turning into a solid state for thin sections to be cut from it (Kemal, 2014). Upon receiving the specimen, then fixation is the crucial stage that follows in the laboratory. Fixation is a critical stage when it comes to preparing specimens for microscopic examination. It helps in preserving the specimen by protecting it from the decay. It kills all the microorganisms responsible for decay and keeps the specimen in a hardened state with enough molecular structure for the subsequent necessary staining procedures to be applied. The specimen then has to go through the grossing process. And here, the process involves a comprehensive examination and analysis of the specimen characteristics including their physical appearance, their size and the dimension as well as the number of the pieces of the specimen. Larger specimens in some instances require further dissecting into smaller appropriate sections. Furthermore, the specimen would go through the processing stage for paraffin section using the tissue processors. The tissue processors allow the specimen to be infiltrated by a variety of liquids which in the end results in the finishes in the molten state paraffin wax. Then later on after the processing, the specimen goes through an embedding centre where they are extracted from their cassettes and put inside molds filled with wax (Rolls, n.d.). Then the specimen goes through section. At this stage, the sections of the specimen are cut in precision sizes using a microtome instrument, with very fine metallic blades. The sections of the specimen are then placed afloat on the surface of the warm water and the place into microscopic slides and after extensive drying; they are then ready for the staining process. The staining process is necessary for revealing the structural information of the specimen when using bright field microscopy. Most specimens apart from having a few natural pigments like the melanin; most cells and other components that constitutes of the specimen do not have specific colors. In histopathology, the frequently used stain universally as a basic primary point in providing the structural details about the specimen is the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain. There are various tests that could be undertaken to assist in the diagnosis of the patients condition. These tests can either be cytology examination or the biopsy tests. Cytology tests involve the process whereby the doctor examines the cells from the body under the microscope to determine any underlying conditions (Mandal, n.d.). Cytology is a quick test that determines the existence of the common infections, inflammatory disease of the urinary tract, cancer among others. These examinations do not completely identify illness conditions such as cancer and also it cannot be used to base a medical conclusion about the absence of a disease. The cytology process is different from the biopsy whereby, it deals with examining individual cells rather than elements of tissues found in a lot of cell clusters. The other significant test that could rapidly help in the diagnosis of the disease is the biopsy. Biopsy is the process of diagnosing diseases whereby a doctor removes parts of the body tissues to be examined by a pathologist under a microscope within a laboratory. There are several types of biopsy, and establishing the most appropriate one for your patient is necessary. These types include excisional biopsy which involves a whole affected area being surgically removed. It could also be the incisional biopsy which involves a sample of a tissue for examination. Biopsy is an important test in examining the health condition of the patient and provides an insight of underlying medical problem, although further comprehensive tests are necessary before arriving to conclusion on the condition of illness of the patient. The cytology and biopsy tests are an important diagnostic process that can complement the histopathology diagnostic of chronic conditions such as cancer and other troublesome diseases as they employ different techniques that can be used to gain necessary clinical information in the context of diagnostic procedures. The significance of the two procedures in complementing other histopathology procedures is invaluable as they assist in the diagnosis of different conditions within the patients, and provide the basis for further clinical tests. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain is the commonly used staining method in histopathology. The staining procedure uses a combination of two dyes that is, hematoxylin and eosin. They demonstrate the nucleus and the cytoplasmic involvement in the clinical specimens. The baseline principle in this staining process is that the alum will operate in a position of a mordant and the nucleus is stained light blue by the hematoxylin which contains alum. The results of the HE stain produce blue and black nuclei, a pink cytoplasm, muscle fibers with a deep red color, the red blood cells are orange red in color, and finally, the fibrin is deep pink color. Many clinical conditions can be diagnosed in histopathology by the close study of hematoxylin and eosin alone. However, in the event whereby additional information is required for the further examination tests in the laboratory, then other staining techniques might be used. These may consist of special stain that contains dyes that define specific structures or other micro-organisms with the involvement of the position of the diagnostically important proteins with aid of marked antibodies. Some non histological tests could also provide good diagnostic grounds for the clinicians. They can offer an alternative way in helping the laboratory tests of the chronic diseases. Radiological studies are a good basis for the testing and establishing liver problems. CT-scans can be used to look deeper into tissues to provide crucial details about the liver and provide diagnosis grounds. Secondly, the use of Ultra sonogram (USG), of the abdomen whereby the clinician utilizes the wave of the sounds to establish important liver pathology and it is a noninvasive method of diagnosis. Additionally, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), provides a clear imaging study into the internal body tissues and offers great diagnosis environment for detection of abnormal conditions in body tissues like the liver. The diagnosis means that the doctor is not 100% sure of the outcomes after the diagnosis and based on the information he/she has, they make an educated guess about the possible diagnosis. The clinical notes on Ferritin at 2,355, and total body iron content at 20grams meant that this was provisional, as the specific condition had not been established. Likewise, Differential diagnosis means that you have more than one possibility for the outcomes of your diagnosis and the doctor must clearly differentiate the two to come up with an actual diagnosis. Lethargy, loss of sex drive and abdominal pain can all be caused by varied conditions (Shimelpfening Gans, 2017). References Kemal, J. (2014). Laboratory Manual and Review on Clinical Pathology. OMICS Group eBooks . Mandal, A. (n.d.). Liver disease diagnosis. News Medical: Life Sciences. Available at: Rolls, G. (n.d.). An Introduction to Specimen Preparation. Advancing Cancer Diagnostics Improving Lives . Available at Shimelpfening, N., Gans, S. (2017). The Difference Between Provisional and Differential Diagnosis. Very Well. Avaialable at:
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
PENA - Surname Origin, Meaning and Famous Penas
PENA - Surname Origin, Meaning and Famous Penas Individuals with the Peà ±a surname may have originally lived near a cliff, large rock, or rocky land, The surnameà derives from the Spanish word peà ±a, meaning rock, crag or cliff.à The name is especially commonà in Galicia, Leà ³n, and Castile, Spain. Peà ±a is the 42nd most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin:à Spanish Alternate Surname Spellings: PINA, PINILLA, PENNETTA, PENNAZZI Famous People with the Surname PENA Enrique Peà ±a Nieto - Mexican lawyer and politician; president of MexicoPaco Peà ±a - Spanish flamenco guitarist and composerMichael Pena - American actor Genealogy Resources for the Surname PENA 50 Common Hispanic Surnames Their MeaningsGarcia, Martinez, Rodriguez, Lopez, Hernandez... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 50 common Hispanic last names? The PENA DNA ProjectThis Y-DNA and mtDNA project is open to all families with the Pena surname, of all spelling variations and all locations. Use DNA to connect and work together to discover your common Pena ancestors.à PENA Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Pena surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Pena query. FamilySearch - PENA GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Pena surname and its variations. PENA Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Pena surname. - PENA Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Pena. Looking for the meaning of a given name? Check out First Name Meanings Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Singapore airline Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Singapore airline - Literature review Example Singapore Airlines holds the honour of operating as the national airlines of Singapore. The airlines company operates from one of the main stations located in the Changi airbase of Singapore. From its central airbase the airlines company conducts its flights along several regions of the world pertaining to both Asiatic and other foreign nations. The Asiatic nations comprise of both South East Asian and other East and South Asian countries while the foreign flights consist of moving over to Australian and American regions. In terms of market capitalization the Airlines Company occupies the largest market share in the international domain. However in regards to Asian countries Singapore Airlines ranks eleventh. The Singapore Airlines had its birth during 1947 under the name of Malayan Airlines. It took the name of Singapore Airlines during 1972 and gradually started occupying the flying space in the Asian skies. By the end of 2010 the company grew to possess around 108 airplanes to ren der services on an expanded sphere. The company now also possess a subsidiary unit known as SilkAir and also helps the regular passengers avail offers and discounts. This policy of the flying company has helped it to gain a large number of consumers on a worldwide basis.According to a report published by Datamonitor (2010), Singapore Airlines operating in the international markets works on some key strengths and also suffers from certain weaknesses in the light of external opportunities and threats. Singapore Airlineââ¬â¢s key strengths occupy its operation based on a diversified marketing base which helps the company to counter the potency of business risks. Further Singapore Airlines operates based on highly productive airplanes which helps the company to render enhanced services to the consumers. The company has also a large number of productive workforce which helps in enhancing the revenue and profitability position of the concern. The company also works on a diversified ser vice and product portfolio which helps it to minimise the chances of business risks. Internal strengths of the company helped it to gain a huge chunk of revenue of around $15,996.3 million. However in regards to other airline companies like All Nippon Airways and Air France the number of flight resources which Singapore Airlines possess is found to be quite low. Due to the low number of flight resources Singapore Airlines fails to gain large number of passengers as compared to the other competitors. Significant opportunities which are emerging in the external market consist of growth in the number of airline passengers for expansion of tourism activities and also in the use of flights for
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Fund for Electronic goods recycling project Essay
The Fund for Electronic goods recycling project - Essay Example Discussion Available funding bodies Small business owners need to rely on investors for financing their activities. For any start-up of a business or introducing a new product, upgrading of equipment, investors are required to help provide the company with funds. There are several types of investors for a business. They are as follows. Angle Investors Angle investors are basically affluent individuals who provide funds for a business start-up. He usually does it in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. An Angel investor follows his basic instincts and accordingly invests in businesses which may otherwise face difficulties in attracting other investors to fund their operation. In some cases they want to get a share of their investment in case of profit by the business. He will want a certain predetermined percentage of his investment or in other cases in may want partial ownership of the business in which he has invested, or in other cases management decisions. Angel inve stors invest typically from hundreds or thousands to a few million dollars. Advantages of angel investors Most angel investors can provide business with the ability to generate small amounts of money needed. It can be less than $5, 00,000 or even upto $ 1 million. Since most early ventures require small amount so money, Angel investors can provide them with this amount from their own personal source of funds. When entrepreneurs have exhausted their supply of money from family, friend, bank loans, personal savings and credit cards for their start-up business they can seek the help of angel investors to help fill the equity gap needed to do the business. Angel investors are more flexible in their business arrangement as compared to traditional source of money lenders like venture capitalist and banks. Since they invest their own money it is possible to negotiate their business deals. They also donââ¬â¢t require highly monthly fees as required by banks and credit cards. Angel invest ors typically invest according to their own risk. Hence it is considered as high risk business investments. Since there is no record of company success for the new start-up, the angle investors is perfect for start-up. Also nowadays Angel investors are typically located everywhere across all the industries. Disadvantages of angel investors Angel investors typically do not make follow on investments, because of the risk associated with reinvesting is even more for an unsuccessful company. Angel investors can sometimes be deceptive. Though majority of the angel investors can look beyond the return of their investments, there are few angel investors who are greedy and want more money in return rather than promoting good for the company. Also they tend to be less patient with new entrepreneurs and hence donââ¬â¢t provide them with proper guidance or mentoring in their early stage of the business. Sometimes the return on investment which they want can be costly. Peer-To-Peer Lending P eer-to-Peer lending which is also known as social lending, person-to-person lending is the process of lending money to its peers also known as unrelated individuals, without going through banks or other financial intermediary (Mu and Gnyawali, 2003, pp. 689-711). These types of lending typically takes place online on companyââ¬â¢
Monday, January 27, 2020
The mesh generation
The mesh generation Describe general methods (structured, unstructured, hybrid, adaptive, etc.) and discuss their key features and applications A key step of the finite element method for numerical computation is mesh generation. One is given a domain (such as a polygon or polyhedron; more realistic versions of the problem allow curved domain boundaries) and must partition it into simple ââ¬Å"elementsâ⬠meeting in well-defined ways. There should be few elements, but some portions of the domain may need small elements so that the computation is more accurate there. All elements should be ââ¬Å"well shapedâ⬠(which means different things in different situations, but generally involves bounds on the angles or aspect ratio of the elements). One distinguishes ââ¬Å"structuredâ⬠and ââ¬Å"unstructuredâ⬠meshes by the way the elements meet; a structured mesh is one in which the elements have the topology of a regular grid. Structured meshes are typically easier to compute with (saving a constant factor in runtime) but may require more elements or worse-shaped elements. Unstructured meshes are often computed using quadtrees, or by Delaunay triangulation of point sets; however there are quite varied approaches for selecting the points to be triangulated The simplest algorithms directly compute nodal placement from some given function. These algorithms are referred to as algebraic algorithms. Many of the algorithms for the generation of structured meshes are descendents of ââ¬Å"numerical grid generationâ⬠algorithms, in which a differential equation is solved to determine the nodal placement of the grid. In many cases, the system solved is an elliptic system, so these methods are often referred to as elliptic methods. It is difficult make general statements about unstructured mesh generation algorithms because the most prominent methods are very different in nature. The most popular family of algorithms is those based upon Delaunay triangulation, but other methods, such as quadtree/octree approaches are also used. Delaunay Methods Many of the commonly used unstructured mesh generation techniques are based upon the properties of the Delaunay triangulation and its dual, the Voronoi diagram. Given a set of points in a plane, a Delaunay triangulation of these points is the set of triangles such that no point is inside the circumcircle of a triangle. The triangulation is unique if no three points are on the same line and no four points are on the same circle. A similar definition holds for higher dimensions, with tetrahedral replacing triangles in 3D. Quadtree/Octree Methods Mesh adaptation, often referred to as Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR), refers to the modification of an existing mesh so as to accurately capture flow features. Generally, the goal of these modifications is to improve resolution of flow features without excessive increase in computational effort. We shall discuss in brief on some of the concepts important in mesh adaptation. Mesh adaptation strategies can usually be classified as one of three general types: r-refinement, h-refinement, or p-refinement. Combinations of these are also possible, for example hp-refinement and hr-refinement. We summarise these types of refinement below. r-refinement is the modification of mesh resolution without changing the number of nodes or cells present in a mesh or the connectivity of a mesh. The increase in resolution is made by moving the grid points into regions of activity, which results in a greater clustering of points in those regions. The movement of the nodes can be controlled in various ways. On common technique is to treat the mesh as if it is an elastic solid and solve a system equations (suject to some forcing) that deforms the original mesh. Care must be taken, however, that no problems due to excessive grid skewness arise. h-refinement is the modification of mesh resolution by changing the mesh connectivity. Depending upon the technique used, this may not result in a change in the overall number of grid cells or grid points. The simplest strategy for this type of refinement subdivides cells, while more complex procedures may insert or remove nodes (or cells) to change the overall mesh topology. In the subdivision case, every ââ¬Å"parent cellâ⬠is divided into ââ¬Å"child cellsâ⬠. The choice of which cells are to be divided is addressed below. For every parent cell, a new point is added on each face. For 2-D quadrilaterals, a new point is added at the cell centroid also. On joining these points, we get 4 new ââ¬Å"child cellsâ⬠. Thus, every quad parent gives rise to four new offsprings. The advantage of such a procedure is that the overall mesh topology remains the same (with the child cells taking the place of the parent cell in the connectivity arrangement). The subdivision process is similar for a triangular parent cell, as shown below. It is easy to see that the subdivision process increases both the number of points and the number of cells A very popular tool in Finite Element Modelling (FEM) rather than in Finite Volume Modelling (FVM), it achieves increased resolution by increasing the order of accuracy of the polynomial in each element (or cell). In AMR, the selction of ââ¬Å"parent cellsâ⬠to be divided is made on the basis of regions where there is appreciable flow activity. It is well known that in compressible flows, the major features would include Shocks, Boundary Layers and Shear Layers, Vortex flows, Mach Stem , Expansion fans and the like. It can also be seen that each feature has some ââ¬Å"physical signatureâ⬠that can be numerically exploited. For eg. shocks always involve a density/pressure jump and can be detected by their gradients, whereas boundary layers are always associated with rotationality and hence can be dtected using curl of velocity. In compressible flows, the velocity divergence, which is a measure of compressiblity is also a good choice for shocks and expansions. These sensing paramters which can indicate regions of flow where there are activity are referred to as ERROR INDICATORS and are very popular in AMR for CFD. Just as refinement is possible by ERROR INDICATORS as mentioned above, certain other issues also assume relevance. Error Indicators do detect regions for refinement, they do not actually tell if the resolution is good enough at any given time. In fact the issue is very severe for shocks, the smaller the cell, the higher the gradient and the indicator would keep on picking the region, unless a threshold value is provided. Further, many users make use of conservative values while refining a domain and generally end up in refining more than the essential portion of the grid, though not the complete domain. These refined regions are unneccesary and are in strictest sense, contribute to unneccesary computational effort. It is at this juncture, that reliable and resonable measure of cell error become necessary to do the process of ââ¬Å"coarseningâ⬠, which would reduce the above-said unnecessary refinement, with a view towards generatin an ââ¬Å"optimal meshâ⬠. The measures are given by sensors referred to as ERROR ESTIMATORS, literature on which is in abandunce in FEM, though these are very rare in FVM. Control of the refinement and/or coarsening via the error indicators is often undertaken by using either the solution gradient or soultion curvature. Hence the refinement variable coupled with the refinement method and its limits all need to be considered when applying mesh adaptation A hybrid model contains two or more subsurface layers of hexahedral elements. Tetrahedral elements fill the interior. The transition between subsurface hexahedral and interior tetrahedral elements is made using degenerate hexahedral (pyramid) elements. High quality stress results demand high quality elements, i.e., aspect ratios and internal angles as close to 1:1 and 90à °, respectively, as possible. High quality elements are particularly important at the surface. To accommodate features within a component, the quality of elements at the surface of a hexahedral model generally suffers, e.g., they are skewed. Mating components, when node-to-node contact is desired, can also adversely affect the models element quality. Even more difficult is producing a tetrahedral model that contains high quality subsurface elements. In a hybrid model, the hexahedral elements are only affected by the surface mesh, so creating high quality elements is easy. Minimal effort is required to convert CAD data into surface grids using the automated processes of pro-surf. These surface grids are read by pro-am. The surface grid is used to extrude the subsurface hexahedral elements. The thickness of each extruded element is controlled so that high quality elements are generated. The interior is filled automatically with tetrahedral elements. The pyramid elements that make the transition are also generated automatically. A hybrid model will generally contain many more elements than an all-hexahedral model thus increasing analysis run-time. However, the time saved in the model construction phase the more labor intensive phase more than makes up for the increased run-time. Overall project time is reduced considerably. Also, as computing power increases, this ââ¬Å"disadvantageâ⬠will eventually disappear. Hexahedral Meshing ANSYS Meshing provides multiple methods to generate a pure hex or hex dominant mesh. Depending on the model complexity, desired mesh quality and type, and how much time a user is able to spend meshing, a user has a scalable solution to generate a quick automatic hex or hex dominant mesh, or a highly controlled hex mesh for optimal solution efficiency and accuracy. Mesh Methods: Automated Sweep meshing Sweepable bodies are automatically detected and meshed with hex mesh when possible Edge increment assignment and side matching/mapping is done automatically Sweep paths found automatically for all regions/bodies in a multibody part Defined inflation is swept through connected swept bodies User can add sizing controls, mapped controls , and select source faces to modify and take control over the automated sweeping Adding/Modifying geometry slices/decomposition to the model also greatly aids in the automation of getting a pure hex mesh. Thin Solid Sweep meshing This mesh method quickly generates a hex mesh for thin solid parts that have multiple faces as source and target. Can be used in conjunction with other mesh methods User can add sizing controls, mapped controls, and select source faces to modify and take control over the automated sweeping MultiZone Sweep meshing This advanced sweeping approach uses automated topology decomposition behind the scenes to attempt to automatically create a pure hex or mostly hex mesh on complicated geometries Decomposed topology is meshed with a mapped mesh or a swept mesh if possible. A user has the option to allow for free mesh in sub-topologies that cant be mapped or swept. Supports multiple source/target selection Defined inflation is swept through connected swept bodies User can add sizing controls, mapped controls and select source faces to modify and take control over the automated meshing Hex-dominant meshing This mesh method uses an unstructured meshing approach to generate a quad dominant surface mesh and then fill it with a hex dominant mesh This approach generally gives nice hex elements on the boundary of a chunky part with a hybrid hex, prism, pyramid, test mesh internally Tetrahedral Meshing The combination of robust and automated surface, inflation and tet meshing using default physics controls to ensure a high-quality mesh suitable for the defined simulation allows for push-button meshing. Local control for sizing, matching, mapping, virtual topology, pinch and other controls provide additional flexibility, if needed. Mesh Methods: Patch conforming mesh method: Bottom-up approach (creates surface mesh, then volume mesh) Multiple triangular surface meshing algorithms are employed behind the scenes to ensure a high quality surface mesh is generated, the first time From that inflation layers can be grown using several techniques The remaining volume is meshed with a Delaunay-Advancing Front approach which combines the speed of a Delaunay approach with the smooth-transitioned mesh of an advancing front approach Throughout this meshing process are advanced size functions that maintain control over the refinement, smoothness and quality of the mesh Patch independent mesh method: Top-down approach (creates volume mesh and extracts surface mesh from boundaries) Many common problems with meshing occur from bad geometry, if the bad geometry is used as the basis to create the surface mesh, the mesh will often be bad (bad quality, connectivity, etc.) The patch independent method uses the geometry only to associate the boundary faces of the mesh to the regions of interest thereby ignoring gaps, overlaps and other issues that give other meshing tools countless problems. Inflation is done as a post step into the volume mesh. Since the volume mesh already exists, collisions and other common problems for inflation are known ahead of time. Note: For volume meshing, a tetrahedral mesh generally provides a more automatic solution with the ability to add mesh controls to improve the accuracy in critical regions. On the contrary, a hexahedral mesh generally provides a more accurate solution, but is more difficult to generate. Shell and Beam Meshing For 2-D planar (axisymmetric), shell and beam models, ANSYS Meshing provides efficient tools for quickly generating a high quality mesh to accurately simplify the physics. Mesh Methods for shell models: Default surface meshing Multiple surface meshing engines are used behind the scenes to provide a robust, automated surface mesh consisting of all quad, quad dominant or all tri surface mesh. User can add sizing controls, and mapped controls to modify and take control over the automated meshing Uniform surface meshing Orthogonal, uniform meshing algorithm that attempts to force an all quad or quad dominant surface mesh that ignores small features to provide optimum control over the edge length Describe key features of ALL existing meshing options in Ansys Mesh module and discuss their applications The meshing tools in ANSYS Workbench were designed to follow some guiding principles: Parametric: Parameters drive system Persistent: Model updates passed through system Highly-automated: Baseline simulation w/limited input Flexible: Able to add additional control w/out complicating the workflow Physics aware: Key off physics to automate modelling and simulation throughout system Adaptive architecture: Open system that can be tied to a customers process CAD neutral, meshing neutral, solver neutral, etc. By integrating best in class meshing technology into a simulation driven workflow, ANSYS Meshing provides a next generation meshing solution.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
India as a Land of Infinite Variety Essay
ââ¬Å"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked. India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition.â⬠Mark Twain, the writer of this quotation, was obviously impressed by the subcontinent. Travel agents say itââ¬â¢s nearly impossible not to be impressed, astonished and amazed by Indiaââ¬âall within the first hour off the planeââ¬âfor this nation is blessed with sacred sites and ancient ruins, each with a mesmerizing story to tell, creating a treasure-filled world of travel opportunities. Towering Mountains, Vast Deserts and Lush Rainforests Nestled between Pakistan, China and Nepal, India is bordered in the north by the worldââ¬â¢s highest mountain chain, while further south, tropical rain forests mingle with windswept deserts. To complete the geographic smorgasbord, palm-fringed beaches trim the peninsula like ribbon on a huge Christmas gift. The only thing missing is a glacier, but no one seems to mind. Visitors and locals alike do not complain about Indiaââ¬â¢s astonishing cultural diversity either, for the nation boasts an inspired, imaginative burst of religions and cultures, races and tongues, resulting from 5,000 years of history. Indiaââ¬â¢s long, historical significance and great natural wealth have lured a long succession of foreign influences, traders and craftsmen, each having left their distinctive imprint on the country. Whether you come to rejuvenate spiritually, relax on the countless beaches or live like a queen in the land of princes, Indiaââ¬â¢s amazing diversity offers everything you could ever want in a holiday. With so much to choose from, itââ¬â¢s wise to enlist the aid of a trusted travel agent. Paragons of advice, travel agents suggest that, because of Indiaââ¬â¢s size and diversity, itââ¬â¢s best to focus your journey around a particular tour or theme. This allows you to experience in depth one tantalizing aspect of the country while still enjoying the variety that makes India a top travel destination. The Golden Triangle: New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur Of Indiaââ¬â¢s many tours, the Golden Triangle is one of the most popular, for the three cities that form the triangleââ¬âNew Delhi, Agra and Jaipurââ¬âfeature the images that epitomize India. Inside this triangle youââ¬â¢ll see a panorama of majestic architectural creations that feed the areaââ¬â¢s rich traditions, like the symphony of marble that is the Taj Mahal (arguably the worldââ¬â¢s most perfect structure), the imperial elegance of New Delhi and the desert city of Jaipur. | Taj Mahal| Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, one of the largest of Indiaââ¬â¢s 28 states and host to the exotic Desert Adventure tour. Rajasthan is known as the Land of Kings, where sumptuous palaces dot the desert landscape and battle-scarred fortresses stand tall atop hills like sentinels. Youââ¬â¢ll begin your adventure at Jodhpur, an ancient stronghold on the edge of the Thar Desert, before traveling along trade routes to the unforgettable golden fortress at Jaisalmer and beyond. Beyond Indiaââ¬â¢s present-day heritage is a past steeped in spiritual lore, enlightening travelers who tour the Buddhist Circuit. Walk in the footsteps of Siddhartha Gautamaââ¬âthe gentle sage who became the Buddhaââ¬âand sit beneath the Holy Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya, under which he gained enlightenment in 528 BC. Visit Sarnath, where the Buddha gave the world his first sermon, and Kushinagar, the site of his death. This tour is a spiritual journey that will stay with you for a lifetime. ââ¬ËTh e Land of Coconutsââ¬â¢ Another Indian journey that will surely stick with you for a lifetime is a cruise through the Backwaters of Kerala. Kerala, on the southwestern tip of the peninsula, is called the land of coconuts, where palm trees shade nearly the entire state from the tropical sun. All along its coast, exotic backwaters, canals, lagoons and inlets create an intricate maze stretching nearly 1,200 miles throughout the land. Traveling by boat along the emerald-tinted backwaters is a magical experience. Any trip you make to incredible India will be a magical experience, especially if you book your journey through your friendly, neighborhood travel agent. Travel agents can combine any of the above tours or extend them to include exciting nights in bustling cities like Calcutta, New Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay). They can send you along other fabulous tours of India, to the Temple Trail of the south, across the Seven Sisters of the northeast or through the jungles that inspired Kipling in the Heart of Heritage. Always warm and inviting, India is a land of timeless beauty with 5,000 years of life under its ornate belt.Contact a trusted travel agent today and start exploring the infinite variety of this magical land.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Ibm International Business Machines Essay
International Business Machines (IBM) is the worldââ¬â¢s top provider of computer hardware. It has 80 years of leadership in helping business innovate. IBM alliance with the companies of all sizes around the world and compete almost in every market worldwide. The company makes desktop and notebook PCs, mainframe and servers, storage systems, and peripherals, among its thousands of products. IBM is also one of the largest providers of both software and semiconductors. With the help of the partnership, the company become leading providers of the e-business solution world widely designed specific solution to meet the needs of companies of all sizes. According to IBM ââ¬Ës mission statement, the marketplace is on the top of IBMââ¬â¢s principles. ââ¬Å"The marketplace is the driving force behind everything we do.â⬠The second principle is related to technology. ââ¬Å"At our core, we are a technology company with an overriding commitment to quality.â⬠With these missions, the company had an alliance with dozen of high-tech companies worldwide. The company made its constant effort to keep up with the fast-moving competitors. In the year 2002, IBM reorganized its hardware business; the company had merged its desktop and laptop operations. IBM utilizes the services of both Sanmina-SCI and Solectron by acquired manufacturing facilities from IBM. It had also formed a joint venture with Hitachi to combine its disk drive operation. In the software business, IBM is the second largest provider after Microsoft. The acquisitions of Lotus Development and Tivoli in the early move enabled IBM to become a pioneer in server operating system software. IBM is expanding its software operation to e-commerce infrastructure by purchasing the database operations of Informix (2001) and application integration products from CrossWorlds Software (2002). It also has plans for the acquisition of development tool maker Rational Software. In the third principle of IBMââ¬â¢s mission statement, it is stated that the companyââ¬â¢s primary measures of success are customer satisfaction and shareholderââ¬â¢s value. The company had made consistent progress in meeting customer satisfaction. In 1998, IBM had established the E-Team that provides public agencies and corporations with the most highly evolved enterprise-level collaborative software. E-team enables customers to prepare better, respond faster, and recover sooner whenever health and safety, the environment, and public or business assets are at risk. Recently, the company had announced the delivery of the first industry standard interface for the IBM Enterprise storage Server. It is designed to help customers efficiently manage storage systems in a multi-vendor storage network. In late January, the expanding relationship between IBM and Siebel Systems was designed to help the business improve the quality of their customer transactions while reducing the cost of ownership. In committing to improve the value of shareholder, the IBM board of directors recently declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $.15 per common share. It is to be recorded on February 10 and payable on March 10. In the companyââ¬â¢s philosophy, the basic value is stated in the next principle: ââ¬Å"We operate as an entrepreneurial organization with a minimum of bureaucracy and a never-ending focus on productivity. The companyââ¬â¢s vision is included in the 5th and 6th principle: ââ¬Å"We never lose sight of our strategic vision, we think and act with a sense of urgency.â⬠In recent times, IBM, the information technology group, had just implemented its strategic vision for the competitive advantage in its market place. Which is announcing the launch of its engineering and technology services business unit in Europe. The unit, part of IBMââ¬â¢s global services division, will offer technology-orientated outsourcing and consulting services to a range of industrial clients in such sectors as aerospace, automotive and defense. This unit is steered by a 100-strong team of engineers and scientists based in Mainz, Germany, will be responsible for the European, Middle Eastern and African markets. In the last two principles, the company believes that its employees are the valuable assets. ââ¬Å"Outstanding, dedicated people make it all happen, particularly when we work together as a team.â⬠ââ¬Å"We are sensitive to the needs of all employees and to the communities in which we operate. IBMââ¬â¢s successful is composition with the outstanding persons. Many of IBM former employees had become successful entrepreneur. Coastal Federal, the stateââ¬â¢s second-largest credit union with $1.3 billion in assets and 12 branches statewide. Coastal Federal is a great example. Founded 35 years ago by former IBM employees, Coastal Federal may be one of the few lending institutions statewide that could deploy this technology without criticism. About 48,000 of Coastalââ¬â¢s 118,000 members are past or present IBM employees (and their relatives). Many of them are computer programmers and software developers accustomed to dealing with remote delivery systems. A branch with remote tellers usually employs one-half to one-third the number of employees that a conventional branch does, according to Diebold. Six people work at the Coastal Federal branch at North Pointe, compared with 12 to 17 people at one of the credit unionââ¬â¢s regular branches. It took Sharon Lyons, a retired IBM employee and Coastal Federal customer, fewer than three minutes to deposit a check with the remote teller. Marc Quinn, Vice President of American Technology is another great example of outstanding former IBM employee. He joined AmTech from C.E. Unterberg Towbin, where he spent the past two years as a senior equity salesman and was recognized as one of the firmââ¬â¢s top producers. He started his career on Wall Street with Kaufman Bros., applying his 15 years of technology experience with IBM. At IBM, Marc was recognized as one of the top salesman within the Finance and Insurance Industry Verticals. IBM is always imaged as one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading companies in terms of societal and environmental concerns. According to the recent news, IBM, United Devices and Accelrys will team with leading researchers and the Department of Defense on a Gild computing project aimed at finding a cure for smallpox. In addition, IBM will also help The Chemicals Sector Cyber-Security Information Sharing Forum to speed development and execution of industry benchmarks for cyber-security. In comparison with the Johnson and Johnson credo, IBM set the priority to the marketplace while Johnson and Johnsonââ¬â¢s first credo is customer. IBMââ¬â¢s second principle is emphasis in technology. In the other hand, Johnson and Johnson highlight in supplies. IBM weight the customer satisfaction same as shareholderââ¬â¢s value. In contrast, Johnson and Johnson weight them in the two ends. The only common principle that they treated the same is the environment. By reading the articles in the newspaper and the internal resources, IBM had made the constant effort and continous improvement in meeting the principles on its mission statement. IBM had become a worldwide successful high technology company. Its hardware and software operation is ever expanding. IBM had always innovate new strategic to assist its customers in cutting cost and improving the quality of transaction. The company declared the dividend quarterly to its shareholders. The company also playing an important role in social and environment concern by assist the Department of Defense in finding a cure for smallpox and give help in speed development for cyber-security. IBM is very successful in serving its hardware and software services industry worldwide.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Earn an Ivy League Degree Online
Almost all of the eight ivy league universities offer some form of online courses, certificates, or degree programs. Find out how you can get a top-notch online education from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, UPenn, or Yale. Brown Brown offers two blended (online plus face-to-face) degree programs. Theà IE-Brown Executive MBA programà offers professionals the chance to get a global education over a 15-month period. MBA students work together online and have five week-long sessions in person. The in-person meetings are in Madrid, Spain; Brown University in Providence, United States; and Cape Town, Africa. The Executive Master of Healthcare Leadership degree is an accelerated program for healthcare professionals. The 16-month program requires online students to meet on campus between the start and end of each term ââ¬â four times total. Brown also offers online pre-college courses for advanced learners in grades 9-12. Subjects such as ââ¬Å"So, You Want to be a Doctor?â⬠and ââ¬Å"Writing for College and Beyond,â⬠prepare students for their upcoming college experience. Columbia Through the Teacherââ¬â¢s College, Columbia offers online certificates in ââ¬Å"Cognition and Technology,â⬠ââ¬Å"Designing Interactive Multimedia Instruction,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Teaching and Learning with Technology.â⬠Students can also enroll in one of two fully online education Masters degrees. The Computing in Education M.A. helps educational professionals prepare to work with technology in schools. The Diabetes Education and Management M.S. prepares health care workers to educate and advocate for improved understanding about diabetes. The Columbia Video Network enables students to earn advanced engineering degrees from home. Virtual students have no residency requirements and have the same access to their professors as traditional students. Degrees available online include M.S. in Computer Science, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, M.S. in Engineering and Management Systems, M.S. in Materials Science, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, P.D. in Computer Science, P.D. in Electrical Engineering, P.D. in Mechanical Engineering. Students may also take individual online courses in medicine and religion through Columbiaââ¬â¢s online programs. Cornell Through theà eCornell program, students can take individual courses and earn certificates completely online. Multi-course certificate programs are available in fields such as Finance and Managerial Accounting, Healthcare, Hospitality and Food Services Management, Human Resources Management, Leadership and Strategic Management, Management Essentials, Marketing, Sales Leadership, Product Leadership and Systems Design, and Plant-Based Nutrition. eCornell courses are designed and taught by Cornell faculty. They have set start and end dates, but are taught asynchronously. Courses and certificates offer students continuing education credits. Dartmouth Dartmouth College has a very limited number of online options. Students can earn The Dartmouth Institute (TDI) Certificate in The Fundamentals of Value-Based Healthcare by completing six online courses. The courses are generally not available for those outside of the certificate program. Health professionals are required to view a limited number of one-hour live streaming sessions, which are usually conducted on Wednesdays. Presenters lecture on topics such as Health Care Finance, Shared Decision Making in Patient-Centered Care, Health Care Informatics, and Understanding the Implications of Variation. Harvard Through the Harvard Extension School, students can take individual online courses, earn certificates, or even earn a degree. Theà Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree program allows students to earn an undergraduate degree with the guidance of top-notch professors. Potential students ââ¬Å"earn their way inâ⬠by earning a grade of B or higher in three introductory courses. Students must complete four courses on campus, but the rest of the degree can be completed through online options. Degree candidates have access to a variety of Harvard resources including internships, seminars, and research assistance. The Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies in theà field of finance or general management degree can be earned by taking 12 courses. Four of these courses must be traditional or blended courses. For distance learning students, blended courses can be taken by traveling to campus for one-weekend session per course. Additional blended Masters programs are available in Psychology, Anthropology, Biology, English, and more. Most require some evening courses on campus. Graduate certificates can be earned fully online and enrollment is open (no application required). Harvard Extension certificates can be earned in the fields of management, sustainability and environmental management, science and information technology, and social sciences. Notable certificates include Business Communication, Cybersecurity, Nonprofit Management, Marketing Management, Green Building and Sustainability, Data Science, Nanotechnology, Legal Studies, andà Software Engineering. Princeton Sorry, online learners. Princeton isnââ¬â¢t offering any courses or degree programs completely online at this time. UPenn While the University of Pennsylvania doesnââ¬â¢t offer any fully online degrees or certificates, the Penn Online Learning Initiative allows students to takeà individual courses. Online courses are offered in Arts and Sciences, Executive Education, Nursing, Dentistry, and also English Language Test Preparation. Generally, students interested in these courses will need to apply to the university as a visiting student. Yale Every year, Yale students enroll in virtual courses through Yale Summer Online. Current students or graduates from other colleges are also invited to enroll in these for-credit courses. The course sessions are five-weeks long, and students are required to participate in a weekly live video group meeting with faculty. Some of the class offerings include: Abnormal Psychology, Econometrics and Data Analysis I, Milton, Modern American Drama and Moralities of Everyday Life.
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